The Club AGM will take place on Thursday 5th December 2019 @ 8pm in Roganstown.

Click here for Notice of Motion Form. This form must be completed and returned to the Hon Secretary at the following email address:, or to the postal address shown below, no later than Friday 29th November. Any forms received after this date will not be considered at the AGM

Click here for Application Form to serve as a Gents Committee Member. This form must have the applicants approval and must be proposed and seconded by 2 existing Swords Golf Club Members and must be returned to the Hon Secretary at the following email address:, or to the postal address shown below, no later than Friday 29th November.

The Committee have been working hard on your behalf and this is your opportunity to have your say. It is also the opportunity to learn what is new for 2020.

Captain Sean and the Committee would very much appreciate your attendance and support.

If you have any questions/issues, please respond to this at the following email address:

Forms may also be posted to the address shown below,

The Honorary Secretary

Swords Golf Club,


Naul Rd,


Co Dublin.